What if in only 12 weeks time you could create the 5-year plan for your life and business that expands your purpose, income, and impact?
This is what I'm looking for

G-FORCE Entrepreneurs is the 12-week life and business coaching program for entrepreneurs who want to align their personal "why" with the mission of their business – so they can live a life full of exponential income and impact.

Begins again October 2024 – Save your spot now
If you don't have PURPOSE, you won't have direction.

Maybe you have a good idea of what you were put on this Earth to do. Maybe you have absolutely zero idea.

Here's the good news...

Everyone has a purpose and getting extreme clarity on what your purpose is, may be closer than you think.


As an entrepreneur, there are undoubtedly many things on your plate and you're already wearing plenty of hats.

You likely have big plans for your life and for your business, but you may be struggling to:

❌ Figure out what the best, most profitable, and impactful project to do next is.

❌ Align yourself with the right group of people to hold you accountable to your potential.

❌ Be as impactful as you can with your time.

(Don't worry... you're not alone with these thoughts.)

This lack of clarity on your purpose is what is holding you back from truly taking your life and business to the next level of income and impact.

If you don't have the end goal as the constant driver of your decision-making, you'll continue to flop into whatever the "next best looking opportunity" is – leaving you unfulfilled and overworked.

Take your life and business to the next level

G-FORCE Entrepreneurs will help you:

✅ Unpack your purpose and create an action-specific 5 year, 1 year, and 90 day plan for seeing your dreams become your reality.

✅  Solve your money equation between where your finances are now, to where they need to be to take your life and business to the next level.

✅  Optimize your time and buy your freedom through scaling what you already have built, and are an expert in.

Integrate impact into every area of your life and business through scalable solutions.

✅ Scale your business and impact by attracting the right team, partners, investors, and network.

 Identify your next best opportunity to work on so that you are purpose-filled and profitable.

Every week in this program is designed to elevate a specific area within your life and business. Prepare for each weekly live call to include education, discussion, problem-solving, and alignment work to keep you on track and successful for all 12 weeks.

G-FORCE Entrepreneurs is your commitment to hyper-growth.

The 12 weeks of this program will each leave you with tangible action items, tools, and resources to implement right away. If you're ready to grow, this program is for you.

I'm ready to grow

G-FORCE Entrepreneurs is the program you need for accelerated and aligned growth.

"I recently completed the 12 week G-FORCE Entrepreneurs program and I can confidently say it has changed my life."

"Through the course, I was able to find my true purpose and understand why I was put on Earth. Britnie is incredibly knowledgeable and provided me with the tools and guidance I needed to take my life and businesses to the next level.
Overall, I can't recommend this course enough to anyone looking to take their business and their life to the next level. It has truly been a life-changing experience for me, and I am confident that it will be the same for anyone who takes it."

– Andrea, FORCE 2 Member

Here's how the program runs:

5 day retreat + 12 weeks of online group coaching

Questions? Let's chat.

All-Inclusive Kickoff Retreat October 23-27, 2024

5-Day Private Island Retreat

G-FORCE Entrepreneurs kicks off with 5 days on G-FORCE Founder, Britnie Turner's, private island in the British Virgin Islands – The Aerial, BVI. While here, you will:

🏝️ Gain extreme clarity on your why.

🏝️ Create a powerful purpose for your life.

🏝️ Develop the 5 year, 1 year, and 90 day plan for your life, business, finances, and impact.

🏝️ Get to know your new circle of force for good entrepreneur friends.

Plus, spend time enjoying the beauty of the Caribbean and the luxury of your own private island vacation.

Live Coaching Program

Week 1: Creating your personal mission & vision

Immediately following the 5-day retreat, your first week of online group coaching will dive into expanding upon what you uncovered on the island.

⭐ You will define a primary question that will filter your life experience.

⭐ Create the vision and commitments to living as the highest version of yourself.

Live Coaching Program

Week 2: Making your vision board

It may sound crazy, but vision boards are actually proven to be very successful at helping people reach their goals, when created correctly.

⭐ You will understand the key elements and placements for an effective vision board.

⭐ Gain ideas for what to include, what definitely to exclude, and how to utilize this tool for optimal results.

Live Coaching Program

Week 3: Optimizing your most valuable asset

 The only thing you will never get more of in your life is your time – protect it at all costs.

⭐ Stop trading your time for dollars because you don't realize how valuable your time really is.

⭐ Understand where you should be spending your time, where you need to delegate, and when it's time to hire.

Live Coaching Program

Week 4: Designing your dream lifestyle

 It's time to fill in the gap from where you currently are in your life, to where you want to be – your dream life.

⭐ Use your 5 year plan to map out the financial plan to see those plans come true.

⭐ Create a plan for bridging the gap financially so that money is never your limiting factor.

Live Coaching Program

Week 5: Finding the opportunities

Once you understand how to spend your time and money most effectively, you'll be able to identify and go after the best opportunities to expand your business.

⭐ Understand what time-sucking activities generate real income.

⭐ Give yourself a joy raise by dropping what doesn't make sense for you.

Live Coaching Program

Week 6: Creating your business plan

It's time to take the vision for your life and integrate it into your business plan.

⭐ Keep your business on track with your impact and profitability goals.

⭐ Direct your team, gain momentum, and be able to pivot when necessary.

Live Coaching Program

Week 7: Integrating Impact

There are so many ways you can make a difference with your business – let's break them down.

⭐ Creating a for-profit company with the impact of a non-profit organization.

⭐ Understand how impact looks in your business from a financial-perspective.

Live Coaching Program

Week 8: Building a purpose-driven brand

 Your personal and professional brand is what powers your ship and can be the key difference-maker in how successful you are.

⭐ Get leads for anything you want to make happen in your life.

⭐ Align yourself to work only with people that you know, like, and trust.

Live Coaching Program

Week 9: Hiring to support your business

 As an entrepreneur, your responsibility is to have and hold the mission and vision of your company. Hiring is what will allow you to scale that mission and vision.

⭐ Identify the responsibilities and roles that you are ready to hire for.

⭐ Establish the fool-proof hiring process so that you never get stuck delegating.

Live Coaching Program

Week 10: Attributes of an A-Player

Hiring can be one of the easiest and best things you do for your business – or it can be a nightmare. Let's ensure the former.

⭐ Identify the key attributes of the best people to bring into your business.

⭐ Create a company of leaders and purpose-driven professionals.

Live Coaching Program

Week 11: Take your business to the next level

Once you have the vision, the plan, the finances, the brand, and the team – you're ready for the next level.

⭐ Roadmap where you will expand your business going forward to create new streams of income and greater impact.

⭐ Create the accountability system to ensure your plans actually become reality.

Live Coaching Program

Week 12: Entrepreneurship of the future

The thing about business is that it's always evolving, and if you fail to – you'll fall behind.

⭐ Take a look at the past greats an apply current knowledge and tools to not reinvent the wheel.

⭐ Understand what you need to do going forward to continue on a path of hyper-growth and success.

And that's only a taste of what you'll be getting in this value-packed program!

Enough said, I'm in!



Includes retreat and 12-week program

Personalized financing options are available through our financing partner, ShopPay. 6 and 24 month payment plans are also available.

Great, I'm interested!



Includes retreat and 12-week program

A 50% deposit (or the first of your monthly payments) is required to secure your seat in the program. The remaining balance is due 30 days before your retreat start date.

This works best for me!

Don't just take it from us...

"Britnie certainly has hundreds of millions of dollars of experience in real estate under her belt, but the G-FORCE Entrepreneurs program is more about renovating the inner world of the people in the program."

"I would say most of my life in times where I've wanted to be a real force for good most of the people I looked up to were really on the far end of the nonprofit side of things doing great work, or in seasons of growth on the entrepreneurial side of things, it's these amazing business people.

This program really brings these two together and helps you to really ask the question of why are you not believing and positioning to do great things in the world as a force for good and this program helps you do exactly that."

- Caleb, FORCE 2 Member


Still wondering if G-FORCE Entrepreneurs is the right program for you?

Click "save my spot" if you...

➡️ Know you're called to do something more with your life, but you're just not sure what that right next step is.

➡️ Are at a point of transition in your life, career, or business and you want to set yourself up for long-term success.

➡️ Desire to surround yourself with a group of people, and mentors, who will hold you accountable to your potential.

➡️ Want to take your business and income to the next level without having to sacrifice more of your time, energy, and money.

Save my spot

Meet the program founder and leader, Britnie

Hey, I'm Britnie and my purpose in life is to raise up the forces for good. I firmly believe that the people with the biggest hearts for positive impact, should be the one's with the most money, time, and resources to be able to make that impact.

I started my company, Aerial, at the age of 21 with the mission of elevating people and places. Long story short, I went from living in my car, to becoming the largest Real Estate Developer in Nashville, TN, to now owning my own private island resort, and living in my purpose daily.

G-FORCE is the network of purpose-driven and impact-minded entrepreneurs that I WISH I had when I started in business.

I couldn't find the people I wanted to surround myself with in other groups – so I built my own. I can't wait to welcome you into this inner circle of world changers.

G-FORCE Entrepreneurs comes with our quality guarantee

The Retreat Expansion Guarantee, or Your Money Back!

Every piece of this program is designed to give you clarity, alignment, and direction on your life and business. Following your time at The Aerial, BVI for the kickoff retreat, if you do not believe the remaining portion of the program will be helpful to you – we'll refund the coaching portion of the program.

Massive life and business expansion doesn't have to be hard...

Whether you've built and run multiple businesses, or you're thinking about dipping your toes in the entrepreneurial waters for the first time, G-FORCE Entrepreneurs breaks down the steps to be successful week by week.

Your mind will expand, but not to the point of exploding. The content is broken down into weekly exercises so that there is more than just concepts, but not too much past the point of implementation.



Still have questions?

❓Do I have to already have a business to benefit from G-FORCE Entrepreneurs?

No! You'll find this program beneficial as long as you have a plan for entrepreneurship fitting into your life. Concepts throughout the program will discuss building and scaling your business, so if you haven't started yet this is the perfect time to hop in!

❓How much access do I get to Britnie?

Britnie will be fully present during the 5-day retreat, leading sessions, holding 1:1 coaching sessions, and participating in all activities. She will also fully lead all 12 weeks of the online coaching program and will be available for discussion, problem-solving, and Q&A during each of those weekly 2 hour calls.

❓What is the follow up after the program?

Following the program, you'll receive an invitation to join the G-FORCE Mastermind community for continued support, education, and networking opportunities.

❓Are there payment plans available?

Yes, absolutely! Although the best value is to pay in full, we realize everyone plans their budget differently. We work with our financing partner, ShopPay to offer financing up to 12 months. If you want to discuss other payment options, just shoot us an email at [email protected].

❓How do I get to The Aerial, BVI for the retreat?

The Aerial, BVI is located on Buck Island in the British Virgin Islands. The only cost not included in this program is your travel to and from the island. You will fly into Beef Island, BVI (Airport code EIS). Upon your arrival we will privately transport you via boat to the island. On your departure day, we will again privately transport you back to the airport. Check-in is 3:00 pm on arrival day. Check out is 11:00 am on departure day.

I have a few more questions!
Leave this program not only with a successful and thriving business, but a network of people that are as committed to your growth as they are their own.

👇 Just see what past G-FORCE Entrepreneurs have to say 👇



Includes retreat and 12-week program

Personalized financing options are available through our financing partner, ShopPay. 6 and 24 month payment plans are also available.

Great, I'm interested!



Includes retreat and 12-week program

A 50% deposit (or the first of your monthly payments) is required to secure your seat in the program. The remaining balance is due 30 days before your retreat start date.

This works best for me!
Here's how this works...

There are only 28 seats available in each program 🤯

G-FORCE Entrepreneurs runs 3 time per year, with 28 seats available in each FORCE group. In order to serve as many people as possible – we run a continual waitlist for people interested.

Once you fill out the waitlist form you'll be redirected to schedule a quick call with our team to ensure you're an aligned fit, and answer any questions you may still have.

I want to join the waitlist now!

50% Complete

Two Step

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