How to Have & Hold the Mission & Vision of Your Company

Jun 04, 2020

Every week the entrepreneurs of the G-FORCE Mastermind community join forces to discuss current business opportunities for impact and growth. This G-FORCE Mastermind session covers how entrepreneurs can have and hold the most important aspect of their company - their MISSION and VISION


When using the phrase “to have” the mission and vision of your company, we are referring to having extreme clarity on what that mission and vision is. Britnie Turner, Founder & CEO of Aerial created a streamlined approach on how to narrow down your mission. When you join G-FORCE, you’re tasked with writing your eulogy. Writing your eulogy pushes you to get clear on what matters most. As you continue with the G-FORCE Mastermind, tools are provided to help keep your company aligned with actionable tasks to meet your end goal.

“To hold” your company’s mission and vision means infusing your mission into your decisions and actions. It’s saying to yourself, “I’m not putting this down when other things come to distract me”. If you don’t make this your top priority, something else will take its place. If it is your top priority, then it will show in every aspect of your life.

OWN Your Story

Owning your personal and company story is the key to growing from good to GREAT. 

“If you don’t own it, someone else will.” - John Guydon

When you aren’t clear on your story then you leave it up to interpretation. If you give others the opportunity to paint your story, their interpretation will become more powerful than anything you try to convey later on. 

One way to own your story is to have your elevator pitch perfected and prepared so when the opportunity arrives, you are clear and concise about your vision and mission. This is when extreme clarity should be applied. If your pitch includes words like “also”, you need a new pitch.

Along with an elevator pitch, you’ll want to have a signature speech ready to go. A signature speech is the best ROI in business. It never gets tired or has a bad day; it just continues to deliver over and over again. 

This signature speech should be able to command a room for 15 minutes and cover what you do, why you do it and why you matter! Speak about the impact your company is making and what you can do to help.

A good guide the G-FORCE team uses is called: C.R.U.S.H:

  • Compelling 
  • Refined
  • Unique
  • Share-Worthy
  • Hands Down the Best Talk They’ve Ever Heard

This must be the speech that makes you a thought leader and gives you notoriety.

A great training exercise would be to take a 15 minute speech and turn it into a 3 minute speech. This causes you to discover the most important points and how to drive focus on those topics. 

If you want to get a deep dive into how to create a speech that you CRUSH every time, check out the course, ‘Crush the Talk’ with John Guydon!

Want to Join G-FORCE Mastermind?

Britnie Turner started G-FORCE Mastermind to help entrepreneurs who are committed to being a force for good. Members are provided the tools, education, and network needed to scale business’ profitability and impact.

If you’re an entrepreneur passionate about making a larger impact in your community, you are exactly who the G-FORCE Mastermind was created for. Visit to apply, learn about the different membership levels and our plans to end world issues together!


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